Science Café
From 2019, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) announces every year a list of Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry that are expected to have a huge impact in our lives by contributing to the well-being of society and the sustainability of our planet. These technologies are intended to help in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as defined by the United Nations 2030 Agenda. Initially, the IYCN organized a series of talks entitled "IYCN Science Café" that put the focus on the IUPAC 2021 Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry. This series will continue, focusing on the IUPAC 2022 Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry. The IYCN Science Café, which will tackle some of the emerging technologies in chemistry, will be a bimonthly 1-hour session split into a 30 min talk plus 20 min Q&A session aiming to answer the curiosities and questions raised by the audience. We aim to cover one emerging technology per Science Café by inviting an expert to speak on the topic.

ChemVoices is the result of a partnership between IUPAC and IYCN and was created to showcase the talents and impact of early-career scientists worldwide. It is a platform to discuss issues that are relevant and of immediate concern to early-career scientists.

Showcasing the future of chemistry...
Professional Development Skills